The Cosmic Interdimensional News Group

We do the thinking, so you don’t have to.

Cosmic Connections

Yehuwdah Rising

A history spanning lifetimes. A secret concealed in DNA.

The Images

The Team


Faith provides the substance of our content. She gives insight from an interdimensional perspective. She always a step ahead.


Journalism can be difficult. Hope is always there for moral support. Over time, it’s easy to become jaded, or burnt out. People can be really offended when you confront them with truth.


Not sappy and sweet, but fiery and fierce. Amora is the team’s glue and vigilant guardian. She is the oil the makes the whole thing work.

About Us

We are telling stories with toy photography. A picture says a thousand words. Take a look around and see what we’re saying. Ask a question, leave a comment, join the conversation, and Thank you for visiting.

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