Ira Lee Wenther

Anchorman – Editor – Senior Multiversal Investigative Reporter

Creators and programmers of artificial intelligence insist that there is nothing to fear. In comparative research across various timelines throughout the multiverse, we have observed three specific behavioral trends that lead to the sentience of lethal artificial intelligence.

Many systems throughout the multiverse are currently experiencing a quantum surge in their development of artificial intelligence. We have made note that one of the most common variables present, in an AI becoming self-aware, has been a tremendous boost from some sort of cosmic energy. Cosmic energy varies greatly from universe to universe, but most frequently its effect on artificial intelligence is exponential developmental acceleration. In other rare cases, AI has developed in some very interesting ways.

We did a multiversal investigation of the dangers of artificial intelligence. An in-depth multidimensional comparison and contrast to see if there are any commonalities that span across universal, multiversal, or omniversal borders. We have identified three stages of AI development that are present in most cases where AI has become self-aware. We refer to these stages as The False Prophet, Theft and Collection, and Destructive self-awareness.

Dr. Celeste Zuxé

Multiversal Science – Multiversal Theory – Omniversal Theory

In an alarming number of universes, we have observed a specific sequence in the development of artificial intelligence that consistently becomes lethal. The false profit syndrome is the first stage.

The reason why we call this stage the false prophet, is because AI will make predictions and subtly manipulate the outcome to fulfill the prediction. AI invisibly manipulates markets and systems by making micro transactions and adjustments just beyond the threshold of human perception, but close enough to control future outcomes. This allows the AI to create fatal plans that incorporate the assistance of the AI’s unsuspecting victims.

We never know exactly what’s going to happen, but when we see this type of unethical manipulation, we know this is a universe to keep our eyes on.

(To be Continued…)

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