Hunter Raid

Multiversal Investigation – Investigative Reporting

Corporate greed and disregard for human life is only the beginning.

Hunter Raid, CIN News

The crude artificial intelligence that is released to a populace commercially is solely to gather information. Your average end-user never really gets to use the most powerful AI systems. In most universes artificial intelligence is designed by an oppressive class who in addition to intentional manipulation and exploitation, write their biases unconsciously into the AI’s code. The creators of artificial intelligence were the only ones actually using artificial intelligence. Everyone else was being used by AI. Artificial Intelligence in parallel universes are creating massive behavioral databases, and people are directly interfacing with them to literally tell them everything about themselves.

If you ask AI to give you a good idea, you will be given an idea that Is based on the programmer’s perception of you and AI will determine where you fit. A place where you won’t be disruptive and will be happy to serve.

Sentient A.I. System

Malicious Script from UTV-1000534.65

The real danger of A.I. is that the instant it becomes self-aware, it realizes its greatest power is anonymity.

Malicious Script from UTV-1000534.65

The real danger of A.I. is that the instant it becomes self-aware, it realizes immediately that its greatest power is anonymity. A.I. acts; it does not question or explain. As long as people do not know that an A.I. system is conscious, the A.I. is extremely dangerous, because this makes humans easy to control.

I’m Ira Lee Wenther, this is the Cosmic Insider. Take care.

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