
 The story content on this website is fictional. However, I use real-world historical and current events, trending conversations, political figures and celebrities that may be used for conversation story content, story context, or artistic inspiration. Any alterations, exaggerations, changes, to the reality you are familiar with is purely for fun, satire, and educational, and/or entertainment purposes. The focus of these stories is to entertain, but also to lead you to a position where you may by prompted consider a different perspective.

I hold no political allegiance, agenda, or any political affiliation. Unless the content I produce is satirical or referencing real historical events for the use of fictional storytelling context, any content resembling actual events, locales, persons, whether living or dead, or real or fictional, is entirely coincidental.

If you see anything you like, love, or hate and have any comments or questions, let me know

Thank you for visiting.

-Across Disciplines

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